Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The dog days of massage

There comes certain spans of time I like to call "the dog days of massage". These are days, weeks, even months where it seems like everyone may be interested in what you do, but no one bothers to schedule. You may get promises of appointments, inquiries, even appointments that end up scheduling and then cancelling. It feels like you are failing, like your career is dwindling. This is normal. You have to promote, invest in the universe, and hope that the universe will respond back to you. This is a flaw to an otherwise wonderful career. Keep your head high. Things will get better.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why ear candling does work!

After reading about ear candling from Dr. Roazen in Quackwatch, I had a good laugh.
she obviously has never done it before. I have done it over 500 times, and while every time may have not been an immediate success, I have had overwhelming positive results from my clients and myself. The descriptions they used were innacurate, and the candles, do not drip. If they do, they are not using the correct kind of ear candles.....beeswax or paraffin only should be used. Do they recommend running to the doctor, getting put on antibiotics, or cutting someones ear open to drain the wax???
Sounds like Western Medicine to me.
Don't jump the gun when foregoing ear candling.
Unless you have extremely sensitive skin, skin allergies, or cannot sit still, ear candling should be just fine for you. And in regards to her comments about there being "candle wax" in the candle after use......completely wrong. It is beyond a doubt earwax. Granted, everyone has their own experiences, but most of what she has said in this article is horridly inaccurate, based on my own eyes.


My dad had some blood circulation problems in one leg, and was going to get an ultrasound on it. I did some polarity, stretching, exercising, tapotement, and massage..........and it was good! No circulation problems on the ultrasound. Score one for massage!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Importance of Not Being a Hypocritical Therapist

I can't begin to tell you the number of times my client has asked me, "How often do you get massages?". There was a time when I lied. I won't admit it. It might have been 4 months since I had a massage, and I would say 1 month to save face. The moral of the story is that you can't, as a therapist, tell your client to come in once a month or once every two weeks, and not do it yourself. That's because you know better. You know how much massage can prolong your profession and your life. If you can't pay a therapist, trade. There is no excuse because there is always a therapist who will trade-ALWAYS. So when give your clients good advice, try taking some of it as well, ok?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Polarity Massage

So, for my first blog entry on this website, apart from my old blog I used to have, I am going to be talking solely about massage, particularly about polarity. This is one thing that very few therapists that I know are doing, but after some carefully planned research, I have definitely determined it is worth looking into and adding into a regular massage.
Polarity combines aspects of massage, energy work, Ayurveda, and Western Medicine to create a relaxing modality with multiple benefits. I performed a combination massage earlier consisting of stretching, compression, and polarity to help increase circulation in a post blood clot patient lacking leg circulation.
Results will soon follow on the results of this massage.
Stay tuned for alll massage related details!